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  • hi steve sorry not been on for a while, had lots to do as hubby going through an et , but anyways just to let you know i have 3 ickle ones 3 of the eggs have hatched i was going to do my 2 weekly check as new it was coming up to 70 days and noticed 2 in 1st tub then when past the tub to ma partner to shut lid on incubator saw another in 2nd tub im on cloud 9 ive done it , my first attemp it feels great .anyways u can see pics ive posted them on site speak soon marie
    hi steve its me again sorry to be a pain but in real need my steno not the 1 in pic but my other one has layed 2 eggs ,ive scooped them up but they rolled slightly ive put them now on bottle tops on top of moist vermiculite and set temps around 84f have i killed them sorry to sound thick but im worried becouse they rolled she had only just layed them and started to cover them so i just waited till she moved then got a spoon and so on and so on please tell me they will be ok ,but diamond my female i had pics of dont seem long to go now so just keeping an eye on her omw nobody on any forum seems to be helping me so im realy relying on u please pm me bk i would be realy greatfull thanks steve o ive posted a thread if u want to see the eggs they were in a tub but now put them on seperate bottle tops
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