Gecko Forums

How old is your gecko? I've been wondering the same for mine, who is 11 months old. My vet weighed him in at 58 grams and said that for his age he was not overweight. I've been feeding him every 5 days, and he gets 5-7 bugs and seems just fine, and hasn't gained any weight. What kinds of bugs are you feeding? Some are fattier than others.
White Shaq
White Shaq
My gecko is 3 years old. I feed 2 to 3 superworms every other day for a week and then skip 3 days. Should I feed less every other day or space the feedings out more.
Hmm. I have personally heard that geckos that are more than one year old only have to eat once per week. I am not sure if that is a gold standard, though! I feed a lot of superworms and I also recently learned that they are kind of high in fat.
White Shaq
White Shaq
I have been told the they have a good amount of protein and that they are better than mealworms. I will try not feeding my geckos as much. thanks for the help.
No worries! I could be off - I heard the same thing and then saw a chart that listed it as high in fat! I’m still using them as a regular feeder but a little less than I was. I think they are healthy! Good luck!!