A couple problems...


New Member
Ok first time leopard gecko owner. My girls wanted them and my parents pulled through for them... much to my dismay (and disgust at first). They were unexpected surprises and I've managed to keep them alive, thanks to Google. Unfortunately, I've got a couple questions left unanswered, so I'm hoping someone can help me here.

1.) My female gecko hasn't been eating. The male gecko has been eating the shit out of his food, but the last few days, she hasn't eaten a single thing! I even broke out the Superworms - usually her favorite - and she ignored them. What am I doing wrong here?

2.) This one isnt exactly about the geckos, except for the fact that theyve failed to do their ONE job. I fed them crickets one day and one managed to survive the feeding and hide. It's still in the cage, but I can't find it, even after completely cleaning out the cage. How do I know it is in there, you ask? IT CHIRPS ALL DAY AND NIGHT. I've gone to extremes to figure out where the chirping is coming from. 100% confident that its inside the cage. It's been days. How is it even still alive? What's it eating? I feel like I'm going crazy. It is so loud even my TV doesn't drown out the sound. I cannot find the darn thing and apparently nor can the geckos. How do I end this suffering?

Herpin Man

To your first question- there are a few reasons that your gecko may not be eating, but there’s no way of telling what you’re doing wrong without knowing how you are keeping and feeding them. However, here are some of the more common reasons a gecko might not be eating:
- Not being kept warm enough
- Not having secure hiding places
- Prey items burrowing into the substrate before the gecko can find them
- Stress from cage mates, if you are keeping the geckos together
- Stress from being handled
You should review your husbandry, and see if any of these might be an issue.

To your second question; yup, crickets can be noisy. It will probably chirp until you find it, a gecko finds it, or it dies a natural death.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
The good news is that crickets only live 9 weeks and are through most of their lives before they start to chirp. I get 2000 or so crickets every 2 weeks to feed my geckos. My living room always sounds like a campground. It has made my Zoom sessions very interesting! Hopefully you're not keeping the male and female together (when a boy gecko loves a girl gecko very much . . . )



New Member
If they are housed together, the male might be trying to mate/being aggressive with the female. If you're not intending to mate, consider housing separately!

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