Animal plastics rack question


New Member
Well I currently have two jason jungle racks and I love them. They are back heated and work well for my adults. Im going to need a hatchling rack real soon but jason won't have more built for another couple months. I was looking at the AP racks but none of the hatchling racks could be set up with rear flex watt. Only belly, or belly or rear heat cable. I have read that belly heat in 6qt tubs can get too hot in the summers. Does this occur with this rack? Also I must ask, can you run a belly heated heat sorce off an on and off thermo or do you need a proportional? I currently use two rancos on my racks and didn't know if that worked well on a belly heat source. By the way, I was looking at the 10 tall iris 330 hatchling rack. (Anyone use this rack and happy with it?)
Thanks for you help,
Denver H

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