Eating less than normal.


New Member
Ya I plan on keeping an eye on him, he looks like he is looking for food tonight. I think I will hold off untill tomrow night just to be sure. I dont want crikets running around his tank. I think that kinda stresses him out.


New Member
Hello all,
I just got a female Tokay for 2 weeks, for the first 3 day she ate 1 cricket a day, but now only 1 per 2-3 days. Is it normal? And which one is the best way to feed for wild caught gecko, direct feeding or let the prey running around the tank so the tokay can hunt them down?
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Staff member
Somerville, MA
I don't know much about tokays but I do know that some geckos can take weeks before they settle in, especially if it's wild caught. Since as a wild caught gecko it's used to hunting its prey, I would recommend you continue that. One of the signs of not being used to the new environment is not eating. Make sure the cage conditions are correct, especially heat and humidity, keep offering food and see if it gets any better.



New Member
I don't know much about tokays but I do know that some geckos can take weeks before they settle in, especially if it's wild caught. Since as a wild caught gecko it's used to hunting its prey, I would recommend you continue that. One of the signs of not being used to the new environment is not eating. Make sure the cage conditions are correct, especially heat and humidity, keep offering food and see if it gets any better.

Finally my tokay gets her appetite back, like you said i let the crickets roaming the tank. I didn't know before the crickets i put in the tank was gone. Wondering where are they gone, so i put one more, and it didn't take long till miss tokay is out from her cave and eat the cricket (what a fast ambush...). I don't know but I'm really glad to see that, poor mr cricket though.....

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