Hello! New Gecko Owner: Advice needed


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So I got my new friend Spyro :) (loved the video game growing up) from a local petco this past Monday. He/She (they couldn't tell at the store) is very skinny, however has been eating and gone to the bathroom.

Currently Spyro is in my bedroom of my one bedroom apartment, and I would like to move the tank into the other room. However, there maybe a chance the kitchen light or the christmas lights go on at night when Spyro's light goes off.

My question is what do people recommend I do? I want to continue to see progress and currently Spyro's spot is not good for the humidity of his tank. My plan is to cover the back and sides (20g aquarium) with paper...should I place a sheet over it to prevent light??

I feel like I will have a lot of questions, and this forum seems to pretty awesome so I hope I can get some insight on my questions.

Please help!


New Member
great questions. i think for the location of his tank you should move it, taking a shower would raise the humidity and ould cause ri over a period of time. leos are Crepuscular meaning they are most active at dawn and dusk so i dont think too much lighting would hurt him/her. the gecko is sooo cute as well.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Spiro looks pretty healthy. My geckos are in my living room and dining room and I'm up quite late with the lights on almost every night. Everyone (including me) does fine.



New Member
Thanks for the response, ic
Spiro looks pretty healthy. My geckos are in my living room and dining room and I'm up quite late with the lights on almost every night. Everyone (including me) does fine.

Spiro looks pretty healthy. My geckos are in my living room and dining room and I'm up quite late with the lights on almost every night. Everyone (including me) does fine.


Thanks for the response...
I think I’m over thinking things, like now my humidity is reading 60%... it’s a glass tank with a mesh lid.
Also concerned since I don’t use the under body heater. It’s 90 during the day and drops to 72-75 at night according to my probe.

Eating and pooping. I think I just want to make sure I do everything I can to keep Spyro healthy.
It’s not as easy as it seems.
Thanks again!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
It would be best if you could get an under tank heater so the 90 degree temperature could be consistent. I never worry about the humidity. They'll be fine.



I also have humidity problems in my tanks and I’ve had my humidity go up to 75 before. My humidity has been staying around 40-50 now with some spikes up to 60 but my Leo’s seem fine. I would say that don’t worry too much about it but it always helps to get a smaller water bowl or fill it up less and usually the hot side has lower humidity than the cool side so as long as the hot sides a good humidity I think he will be just fine.


yea humidity this time of hte year is hellish. in sweden where i live i have around 46 indoors. so my tank has like 62 on the cold end and 50 on the hot end. but im gonna fix that by cutting up a new vent for the cold side. might have to cover it up at the winter when the air get dryer but her thats easier than getting rid of humidity.

i got a pretty big tank aswell 1meter long 50cm deep 50cm high. so the humidity can be abit annoying with my subbstrate but thats what you get when u want them to have it fancy.

also Spyro is super cute. cant w8 til i can breed next year to get babies

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