

New Member
Hi. I'm a hobbyist from San Antonio, Texas. I currently keep Hemidactylus imbricatus, lepidodactylus lugubris, Rhacodactylus auriculatus, Lygodactylus williamsi, kimhowelli, and picturatus, Gonatodes albogularis fusca, ocellatus and vittatus, and Sphaerodactylus nigropunctatus ocujal. The last three on the list are very recent additions. Along with them came a lone male Sphaerodactylus nicholsi and that's what brings me here. I'm hoping to find other micro gecko keepers and get a lead on more nicholsi and eventually, more geckos in general.
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I also keep dart frogs, one snake, and one dog.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome! I keep a variety of geckos including S. sputator. I have also kept S. macrolepis in the past. What kind of enclosure are you keeping them in? The thing I learned the hard way is that it's essential to be sure that the enclosure is escape proof. I have used ExoTerra 12"x12"x12" and also 8x8x12. I thought I had taped up all the possible escape routes, but then my S. macrolepis started to go missing. At first I thought that maybe the crickets that were getting big in the enclosure were eating them, but I discovered that they were somehow getting out so I had to do even more taping, which did the trick.



New Member
The babies are in plastic jars with screen lids. The juveniles and adults are in exoterra tanks. I have glued the vents closed and sealed the gaps with either hot glue or silicone. The nicholsi male is in the smaller one on the right in the image. Also... Messy office and then my clean waiting room.

When I first got mourning geckos, the babies would crawl out the gaps at the corners of the front door where it is hinged.

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Staff member
Somerville, MA
I put clear packing tape on the side where the door hinges are to close the gap, but I hadn't taped over all the vents on top. It's done now! My S. sputator got out a few months after I got her and ended up getting between the window frame and the trim. I had to take the trim off to get her, but she's safely in her cage now.



New Member
I always worry that they'll stick to the tape so I use non-adhesive products like the hot glue. For other gaps that move I sometimes place paper towels or something like that. With my mourning geckos that got out, they always hung out between the wooden planks on the wall. If you look closely at the pics, you can see the walls are just lined with painted cedar boards, like fence posts. There are little gaps where the geckos would poke their heads out.

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