I am hoping to get information on this dark spot????


New Member
Hi! I have a six year old Albino Gecko. On Monday when she shed, I noticed a large dark spot that was not their Sunday. On Tuesday I took her to the vet. Where I live their are not many reptile vets. He said he had never seen that, he asked for pics so he could place on vet forum to maybe get answers. He called today, and was very dismissive, no one knew he said, could be cancer, or a blood blister? However he said cancer does not manifest this way, as in it is usually white? I have search the whole internet and I can not find anything :( I came across this forum and saw it was active so thought I would give it a shot. He did not take x-rays, he could not draw blood, he didn't know how? The other reptile vet was not there. I do not want her to suffer, they did place her on pain meds? It is so odd because she is eating, pooping, doing all the lizard things, she lives in a 40 gallon tank, she has reptile carpet, not an impaction that much he could tell. The man who sold her to me said he was selling her because she could not breed, I got her at a repticon. I have had her now 2 years. Any info would be great! Thank you for taking the time. This is Holly, and this was today, it has gotten smaller, and to me it seems like a blood blister? Is that even possible??????? pics of it.


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Staff member
Somerville, MA
I don't think it's very usual and it's interesting that you can see it from the side as well. I would imagine that if it keeps shrinking it may be some type of bruise that will re-absorb. I guess the best thing to do is to see how it goes and note if there are any behavior changes which could send you back to the vet with more information to give them.



New Member
I don't think so either, since all the vets we have spoken to have said they have never seen this... I can't imagine how she got that if it is a bruise? She has never been dropped, was in her cage, and fine Sunday. I did buy a new heater for her because hers had died, perhaps she got pinched when I put her back in? I wish the vet would have x-rayed her, he just didn't seem interested which upset me enough to go looking for anyone who might be able to tell me if they have ever seen this, or what it could be? I found another exotic vet, that is all she does, I sent her pics, she wants an x-ray, so I will be taking her to this vet, to get an x-ray, she doesn't think it is cancer by the pic. It continues to get smaller, and is starting to display what a bruise looks like when it heals, as in red, yellow. She is very active and not bothered by this at all. I am lol. Thanks so much for responding. If I ever find out what happened I will post it, incase it ever happens to someone else. I was really hoping someone had seen this before, and could tell me, I am so worried about her. But every vet I spoke to said as long as she is eating, pooping drinking, and not in distress, they don't know. Interesting to me is I currently have a cat that is sick, when I took her to the vet, she wanted everything, blood, x-rays, but with Holly I was told with lizards you have time??? IMO every day that goes by with no answer, is a day we could have done something, I am just afraid by the time she is seen, she will be at some point of no return..... Frustrating. :( Thanks again for your response. :)


New Member
Update on Holly: So, took holly to exotic vet. Not very telling. This vet thinks bruise, or internal organ damage, which we would have never seen if not for her morph ( that she is albino) don’t believe that. Also do not believe it is internal organ damage, because she had been to a vet already, he didn’t take X-rays but he also didn’t believe it was internal damage or bacterial. After he spoke to other vets, they also had no clue, but no one jumped on internal damage. If she has had internal organ damage for now over three weeks, don’t you think she would have displayed signs, stopped eating? Yeah she didn’t like that, also that I had pics from the very beginning, so would not go down the money trail with this vet, and put holly through that stress. I did have an X-ray done which was what I wanted to begin with, now I wait until next week, because holiday. I wasn’t impressed, with these people. I believe the X-ray is going to show it’s a bruise because it is getting smaller every day. Last vet I took her to told me her weight was perfect, this one wanted to convince me she is so fat she will get liver disease. I am so not impressed with these vets at all, if you claim to be an lizard specialist, then why do you also need to speak to more vets? Won’t go back, will wait to see what X-ray says, if she has to go back will take her to the other vet because he charged 45. For a visit, she charged 75. Other vet wanted 125. for X-ray, she 152. And 15. per minute for vet tech! Ridiculous! I called them out on that pricing. Unbelievable I said, which we were not allowed in because of COVID, so this was the very first vet that would not allow me to go in with her, which I did not see a reason as most vets her allow one person, totally not impressed and still have no answer
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Active Member
Hi sounds like the vets in your area have no clue about reptiles.

It's a good sign that the blackness is shrinking and Holly hasn't been effected by it.

I hope all turns out well for you both.


New Member
Final update on Holly: So we got her x-rays back. No internal damage, so the black spot ending up being a impact bruise, as we FINALLY had her vet in Deltona, see the x-rays, he saw nothing wrong with her organs, or anything inside, she does have the the beginnings of metabolic bone disease in her toes, but we can correct this easily, and have been. Otherwise she is happy and healthy, the bruise will fade, and is about gone. If ever you see something like this, think bruise, even though we have no idea how she did it, after 300. it is nice to know it was not serious and she can go on to live her happy lizard life! Thank you so much to anyone who tried to help me. her x-rays are cute lol. All better :)

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