More Blue Tongue Skink questions...

neubauer geckos

Anthony Neubauer
So I just had a couple more questions as to caring for my recently aquired blue tongue.

1.Can I put my 8" skink in a 40 breeder now,or will it be too big?

2.What substrate should I be using.I'm using Bed-A-Beast,but am planning to switch to shredded aspen very soon,as I have read that it's better.What do you guys think?

3.Can someone give me a specific brand,kind,and aproximate price of the canned dog food they use?

I really appreciate everyone's help!I want to ensure the best possible life for my little blue tongue,Frank(or Francesca if it's a girl).


Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
1. 40 breeder is a good size tank for a skink that size
2. I use shredded aspen or care fresh, either seems to be fine
3. I only use all natural canned cat food. I think the cat food has a higher protein content that dog food.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Cat food will have higher protein and lower fat than most canned dog foods as their nutritional requirements are way differet. Dogs need a higher fat diet. Again tho if you know the nutritional breakdown of what a BTS needs as far as protein/fat/fiber/ etc. I can find you the food. Aside of that all I can do is recommend you find a good BTS forum. I think I might have one bookmarked.

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