My crested Gekco is acting weird


New Member
I have an adult female crested, she is about 2.5 years old. About three days ago I noticed she stopped eating, but still drank I wasn't to worried because I new it was about time for her to shed. But today I had to help her with her shedding... she has no energy, and her muscles kept spasming while she tried to get her old skin off... I haven't seen her have this problem before. I held her for a long time today because she seemed more relaxed being cradled and her spasmes slowed a lot, but when I put her back in the tank her toes curled up and she arched her back and opened her mouth wide, then she shook a little and then fell asleep. I checked she IS sleeping, not dead she is breathing. But I have never had this problem and I am very worried! Is this related to her shedding or is she sick? she was very pale but the shedding helped with that... I am very worried if anyone has any helpful info I would be very grateful.


Wonder Reptiles
Thats not sleeping.
Sometimes when they have very little calcium levels, they will become sluggish and die.
I would RACE that gecko to the vets, you do not have much time.

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