Stripe Development


Lancaster Park, AB
Hi guys,

I was wondering if it's normal for an AFT's stripe to develop over time?

When I got my Juvi AFT 2 weeks ago he had a nice thick stripe but it stopped and got real broken up once it hit his tail and only went about halfway down his tail.

Now that he's been here two weeks I had him out again and was holding him and looking at him closer and I noticed that the stripe on his tail now goes all the way to the tip and has thickened up to almost the same as the stripe on his body. The only difference is that the stripe on his tail bleeds outwards quite a bit onto the ridges on his tail.

Soo is this normal? I don't think anything is wrong with him, just trying to learn how AFT's colors progress. :)


New Member
It's perfectly normal. With age, color and pattern will change all of it is unique to the individual gecko for the most part. You will also notice a color and pattern change when they fire up. I've noticed really early in the morning around 3-4 AM most are fired up to their full potential, their colors are much more vibrant, some will also fire up for me directly after feeding and after being sprayed or handled.

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