Temperature help


Staff member
Somerville, MA
What kind of incubator are you using? If it's the hobovator, as I suspect, as I've mentioned before, the thermostat isn't too good. It's an on/off thermostat which means that when the temp gets below the setting the thermostat turns the heater on. So then the temp goes up and when the temp gets high enough, it turns the heat off. It takes a little while for the heat to stop going up and start going down. Consequently there's a bit of fluctuation. A proportional thermostat is almost like a dimmer thermostat. It gradually nudges the heat up and down so there aren't those precipitous changes in how much heat is getting pumped in. In many cases, leopard gecko eggs are pretty hardy, but there is an increased chance of birth defects.

What kind of incubator are you using? If it's the hobovator, as I suspect, as I've mentioned before, the thermostat isn't too good. It's an on/off thermostat which means that when the temp gets below the setting the thermostat turns the heater on. So then the temp goes up and when the temp gets high enough, it turns the heat off. It takes a little while for the heat to stop going up and start going down. Consequently there's a bit of fluctuation. A proportional thermostat is almost like a dimmer thermostat. It gradually nudges the heat up and down so there aren't those precipitous changes in how much heat is getting pumped in. In many cases, leopard gecko eggs are pretty hardy, but there is an increased chance of birth defects.

It fluctuates from 87.2 to 88.2 is that okey it’s usually 87.8


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I guess a 1 degree fluctuation isn't too bad. See what happens this season and based on the results, see if you need to change anything.

Ok so you think they should be fine I canceled and saw the embryo circle and dot in the middle but the egg color was yellow but it looked like there was veins


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I can't guarantee that it will be fine. The smaller the temperature fluctuation the better. One degree may, in fact, be fine. If most of your hatchlings come out OK, it's fine. If there are problems, you'll have to adjust. I wish I could tell you that there are absolute answers and if you do certain things there's a guarantee, but there's no guarantee. A better thermostat may lead to better results, but it may make no difference. That's the joy and frustration about breeding. We have to make decisions where we don't know for sure what the outcome will be. I find that it's a pretty good preparation for life, actually.


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