cricket care


New Member
So I need help with my cricket care. The last few times I have gotten feeder crickets, over the next days or so a lot of them seem to die off or are close to death. For example, today there were a bunch of them flipped onto their backs and twitching like crazy. I give them the Fluker's cricket quencher & Mazuri's bug gut loading diet for food/water. I know I give them enough toilet paper rolls & egg crates to hide in.

The only two factors to this that I can think of is the size of the tub I keep them in (15 qt with holes cut in the side, with wire mesh over it so they don't escape). And the bedding/substrate - your basic wood shavings from the pet store. Am I not giving them enough space? Am I using the wrong bedding? Who knows, maybe I'm not feeding them the right things. Or is there anything else that could factor into them dying?

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
You could put the gutload on the floor instead of the wood chips. Remember that crickets only live 9 weeks. If you got large adults, they may be at the end of their lives. I get my crickets by the thousands and sometimes I get a bad batch and most of them die. I have no idea why there can be a bad batch (and I get my crickets before they're 9 weeks old), but it seems to happen sometimes.



New Member
You could put the gutload on the floor instead of the wood chips. Remember that crickets only live 9 weeks. If you got large adults, they may be at the end of their lives. I get my crickets by the thousands and sometimes I get a bad batch and most of them die. I have no idea why there can be a bad batch (and I get my crickets before they're 9 weeks old), but it seems to happen sometimes.

I have trays that I put both the gutload & the quencher on. I do get large adult crickets because my leo is an adult & that's what he eats. I just don't feel like its normal to get 60 of them and have him only eat not even half, maybe more & then a few days later (not even a full week) the rest of them are dead. I'm getting frustrated because I don't know if it's me or if I keep getting bad crickets or maybe they are just dying of old age. Thank you for your input though.

I also read that apparently, they need a heat source?!?!?! I had no idea! It's summer where I live right now & we don't keep the AC on all the time but when we do it gets pretty cold. I don't use a heat mat or lamp... could that be a reason why they're dying too???

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