Leopard Gecko is afraid of me


New Member
For context, I've had him for a few months now. During the first few weeks he was actually quite sociable- I mean he didn't like being picked up but he would climb on my hand. Then he climbed on my hand, and up my shoulders, and was on my neck. I couldn't reach him without scaring him and I was scared he would jump off, so I simply laid on the floor flat until he crawled off. He was quite afraid that time, and I picked him up and put it into his enclosure.

He refused to climb up my hand since.

It also didnt help that I accidentally startled him a few times (I walked into the room very quickly and push the door open very hard. It's a bad habit of mine and this spooked him bad a few times. I've stopped doing that)

He doesn't bite or anything, but he avoids my hands like the plague, and if I place my hand under him he'll chirp and scurry away. He does not want to do anything with me, and while I respect that, I also would like to bring him out to explore the room more instead of being locked in all day. I want to tame him but I feel bad everytime I do so because he looks stressed. I've been spending my time in the same room as him for weeks, but I guess he's decided to be alone.

He's adopted and his previous owner say that he's okay with handling, so this is quite sad to me. What are some of the ways you would recommend for me to help him calm down around me? Should I simply just leave my hand in his enclosure for a few minutes a day until he miraculously decides to not hate my hand? Do I leave out a few hides in the room and take him out of his enclosure to explore?

Also, I tong feed him. He's too dumb to hunt on his own or to eat from a bowl.

Any tips would be really helpful!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Some leopard geckos never really get tamed. Some do OK with handling and then change their minds. I think the least stressful thing to do is to gently scoop him up from underneath and make a little cave with both hands for him to sit in. If I waited for my geckos to climb on my hands, I would never get to hold them at all! Keep him in your hand cave for a few minutes and then put him back. See how he does with that.


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