Best Heat emitter for enclosure


New Member
Hi all. I was hoping to get feedback on what would be the best heating element for my almost 5 month old albino leopard gecko. It has been a challenge finding the best way to maintain a warm temperature for my lil ones enclosue. A simple google search brings back a mix result or does not quite answer my question. I currently have a red light heat emitter that I have on at night. I have a no-light 60w ceramic heat emitter that stays on 24/7 and it just does not seem to reaching the temperature that makes my lil one happy. Lighting has been an issue as a heat source because the basking light is too bright and my gecko hides from it. So, i have been using just red light heat bulb and the heat emitter. I am wondering how high of a wattage ceramic heat emitter would be safe to move to. The 60w is just not cutting it. Any advice on this??? I appreciate you!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
How hot is the air in the enclosure? In my opinion, if the ambient temperature is comfortable for humans it's fine for the gecko. If the gecko is cold, it will spend more time in the warm hide. It's possible that a CHE will dry the air and dehydrate the gecko, but not definite. As far as I know, a CHE is a CHE and I don't think there is a particular one that's better than any other CHE, but others may have a different opinion.


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