Bump behind back leg


New Member
Hi everyone! I have a 7 year old male leopard gecko. Up until a week or so ago, he has never had any health issues that warranted a trip to the vet. He had an abscess hemipenis, which was treated at the vet. I was given cream and an injectable antibiotic to administer at home. Both of which he is still currently taking. All seemed to be healing well until about a day or two ago when I noticed a small lump behind his right back leg. It’s appearing to grow in size. Attached are some photos for reference. If anyone knows what this is, please let me know! I do plan to contact his vet tomorrow but would still love some opinions. Thanks in advance!


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Staff member
Somerville, MA
Check to see if it's coming out of his vent. If so, it may be a prolapsed hemipenis and you will need to put some karo syrup, heavily sugared water or Preparation H (yes, the stuff for human hemorrhoids) on it to shrink the tissues so it can go back in. If not, it may just be another abscess, even though he's on antibiotics. I'm afraid another trip to the vent may be needed.



New Member
Check to see if it's coming out of his vent. If so, it may be a prolapsed hemipenis and you will need to put some karo syrup, heavily sugared water or Preparation H (yes, the stuff for human hemorrhoids) on it to shrink the tissues so it can go back in. If not, it may just be another abscess, even though he's on antibiotics. I'm afraid another trip to the vent may be needed.

Thank you for the suggestion! As of now, the area is no longer as swollen. I don’t believe it’s his vent area. It’s more so right behind his hind leg. Shortly after my initial post, I had given him a brief soak in warm water to assist with removing shed from one of his toes. (He has been having slight trouble shedding due to not feeling well because of the initial abscess.) After removing him from the water, the area in question began to drain on its own. I was able to remove the remaining fluid by pressing slightly with a q tip. I then applied the cream to the area that I was given by my vet. I’m going to reach out to them tomorrow to see if they think I need to come in again.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Glad it's looking better. The location was suspicious, but the color made me question whether it was really a prolapse. Good luck with him.


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