Recent content by acharpenter

  1. acharpenter

    RIP to a good friend

    My little girl and my older cat have the same relationship... Im very sorry - cant help you with why but please know I understand and feel your loss Thanks for the pics - way sweet Edit - I don't hit the forum frequently so I am sorry that my condolences come so late - I am sorry
  2. acharpenter

    Not perfect BUT

    You and all directors/Mod's of GF are totally under appreciated. If members knew what you deal with behind the scenes - a lot of the BS would never happen. I for one appreciate all you do - I really do I have been on BOD's and know what goes on - you are horribly under appreciated and...
  3. acharpenter

    Chinchilla Dust Bath Vids

    Thanks for the video's - my sister has a couple and I just love watching them in their baths If I had more time - I would totally get a couple : )
  4. acharpenter

    Herpers Are Pretty Awesome

    If Seamus throws that one out - I will throw out one as well?
  5. acharpenter

    Herpers Are Pretty Awesome

    I would still pay good $$ for at least a few chunks of the mirror bicep pic from Seamus...... COME ON DUDE STEP UP - ITS FOR THE ANIMALS!!!!
  6. acharpenter

    Zilla Desert Series Combo Light Fixture

  7. acharpenter

    O dear - what you doing

    Possum? Back story as to how you came upon her? Super cute!!!
  8. acharpenter

    Zilla Desert Series Combo Light Fixture

    How about $60.00? Someone has to have a use for this?
  9. acharpenter

    Zilla Desert Series Combo Light Fixture

    Bought this back when I picked up my first Gecko. Was only used for about 1 month before I picked up a UTH. In that month I used one of the spot lamps 24/7 and never used the 2nd spot lamp or T5 light. Its the 20" Comes with 2 brand new daylight bulbs, brand new T5 bulb and a used...
  10. acharpenter

    Herpers Are Pretty Awesome

    Im waiting for him to throw up another donation blocked pic - the pic should be the bicep mirror pose I would be happy to buy blocks.... Come on dude - lets raise some more for the animals!!!
  11. acharpenter

    Herpers Are Pretty Awesome

    Oh no, no, no - that simply will not do. I paid good money for a cheesy bicep flex mirror shot dude!!!! :main_thumbsdown:
  12. acharpenter

    Herpers Are Pretty Awesome

    I personally think that since you specifically stated that you dont want to do the "Myspace cheesy mirror" self pic, you should have to do that very thing for the next one!!! I also think you should have to pose with the one arm flexing bicep deal and the other holding the camera for the...
  13. acharpenter

    What Part of the US?

    Coon Rapids, MN :D
  14. acharpenter

    Herpers Are Pretty Awesome

    Thanks to all this exposure - I will make sure to swing by. I hope to meet you and thank you for helping out the animals....I will also be sure to pass all this on to everyone I know locally Who is being ornery? NOT M_surinamensis!!!! :main_laugh: Even in bragging about being humble -...
  15. acharpenter

    Herpers Are Pretty Awesome

    I am always down for helping out the animals. The bowling alley is actually just down the street from where I work...i'm surprized I have never heard of this local organization. Seamus - get the pic updated with whats left, and then get ready to throw a current one up for continued donations.