Recent content by ajq1540

  1. ajq1540

    I feel... please visit......hasn't been active for the past week...and it fits in here.
  2. ajq1540

    some pics I took of some kittens I took in

    Those kitties are so small!! I recently found a stray kitten (what looks to be like a MALE calico). I just noticed ILoveGeckos14, Daidra, and I all live in cool!
  3. ajq1540


    I titled it sicko because I thought it would be cool to see how long it takes to get better after signs of getting sick. I am going to demonstrate the format. I am sick but obviously don't know when I will get better. EXAMPLE Before: Sick from: October,5,2009 Monday to..... After: Sick...
  4. ajq1540

    Rest In Peace Grandma

    Sorry for your loss Fe. :( I never even knew my grandma or grandpa.
  5. ajq1540

    Caption This

    This is not a drill I repeat this is not a drill all my furniture is GONE!!!
  6. ajq1540

    Mafia Wars. Via FACEBOOK

    I need some recruits for mafia wars, I don't know how to recruit you so please tell me and I will join you and then you can join my mafia. my name is Aaron Quinn in Facebook my profile pic is a leo =] Thanks
  7. ajq1540

    Two Word Phrase game.....

    living quarters
  8. ajq1540

    Two Word Phrase game.....

    living room
  9. ajq1540

    Two Word Phrase game.....

    back pains
  10. ajq1540

    Two Word Phrase game.....

    hairy chest
  11. ajq1540

    Two Word Phrase game.....

    chess player
  12. ajq1540

    Two Word Phrase game.....

    credit score
  13. ajq1540

    Two Word Phrase game.....

    bad boy
  14. ajq1540

    Two Word Phrase game.....

    big mac