Recent content by aquaplantae

  1. aquaplantae

    Alex Hue Pinstripe

    I don't know about Alex Hue Pinstripe, but I do get a similar one with it from my clutch. I already posted it here Is it the same morph? Rest assured that I never purchase anything from Alex Hue, in fact I just heard about him a couple...
  2. aquaplantae

    Can anyone please identify this morph?

    @kakarrot ic then, so this morph is quite common. thank you. one thing though, I'm quite sure that the female shtct doesn't have het for raptor. because at the time I purchased the female, he haven't acquired any raptor yet. fyi, the male and female are purchased from different breeder.
  3. aquaplantae

    Can anyone please identify this morph?

    thanks for your explanation. btw, is baby 1 a usual byproduct on creating other morphs, or is it something that only come out once in a while? the reason is, if no one haven't focusing on this morph, I would like to concentrate on this one.
  4. aquaplantae

    Can anyone please identify this morph?

    @jschaf1 you have a point there. btw, the thread starter (alvin) was actually posted this thread for me. since i don't have an account here. my account have just been activated this morning by the admin. back to the thread, I sure was struck and dumbfounded when I open my incubator and found...