Recent content by chasem1991

  1. chasem1991

    The Crestie Vivarium Thread

    correct me if im wrong but were they not asking about adding a plant? morning glory is a plant no?
  2. chasem1991

    My New Website

    sorry mods, if its important that this isnt in the right forum, could you please move it :o I was looking at the forums and noticed a new site forum that i had never seen before for some reason.
  3. chasem1991

    My New Website

    I have been working on creating a website today, I would appreciate if some of you took a look and told me what you think of my work so far. Thanks!
  4. chasem1991

    is my bearded dragon having babys????

    i dont think that just because shes fat you should start making assumptions. =P
  5. chasem1991

    Which programm?

    Gimp Tutorials =]
  6. chasem1991

    Which programm?

    ' I have both gimp and photoshop. I have found that almost everything you do in photoshop, you can do in gimp! GIMP seems to just be mocking photoshop with every release, because really i kind of like gimp more.
  7. chasem1991


    Your stories always crack me up! I love the way that you write everything, you insert your imagination, not many people are able to write the same as you! Nice list!
  8. chasem1991

    The new Crestie and his Setup

    Okay, so convinced my girlfriend to let me move the crestie into my spare kritter keeper. I was washing it out, so i took a scotch brite pad to it..... BAD IDEA it was dark in the room and i didnt notice that it was scratching it until i turned on the light to dry it off. but here it is.
  9. chasem1991

    The Crestie Vivarium Thread

    not much for plants in that one
  10. chasem1991

    The Crestie Vivarium Thread

    I never really thought about putting real plants in my vivarium.