Recent content by eccentric_amber

  1. E

    Hatchling questions!

    You have so many questions I would check out they have a great forum. The temperature you have for hatchlings is correct, adults usually like it a little lower like 95-100. Never feed a bearded dragon mealworms, they are not as nutritious as other feeders and pose a huge impaction risk. I have...
  2. E

    calci worms for a bearded dragon

    true story ^^^ I should have mentioned that. One of my dragons ate like 3 and the other finished off the container.
  3. E

    bearded dragon and salad

    Feed her the salad in the morning and wait until she eat some to feed the bugs. You could do the tough love method and only feed salad until she eats it and then go for protein. You could also try switching up what your feeding her she may be tired of what she is getting. I love this site...
  4. E

    calci worms for a bearded dragon

    These worms are a great staple feeder. Calci-worms are a brand that you can find at the big box stores....skip those every time I checked those out they all were either dead or already turned in to flies. A check out and they are the same type of...
  5. E

    Basking light not staying warm enough?

    So I tried going on the site and I think it is down right now.....I swear it exists lol keep the site and check back, there is a link to it on the rio reptile site ;)
  6. E

    My new beardie!

    I hate how small they sell the dragons at the pet store, regardless he is SOOOOOOOO cute!!!
  7. E

    Alalfa Pellets

    I wouldn't do it. Alfalfa has a tendency to mold when they get wet. I really would advice against anything loose as a substrate. Living on loose substrate is liking living in a cat liter box. Unless you change the entire enclosure every time your beardie has a bowel movement they will be...
  8. E

    Basking light not staying warm enough?

    Skip the the 15g and go straight to the 20gal till he/she is about 10-12inches. The 15g will probably not give you a good temperature gradient in your enclosure; you could get a greenhouse effect and before you know it everything is too hot. And then you'll have a dehydrated or dead baby. With a...
  9. E

    Basking light not staying warm enough?

    what kind of enclosure are you using? that really has a lot to do with it. We are using a glass with a screen top right now, in the winter I was having trouble with the temps in the tank. (everything was just a little too low) I used this purple board insulation and cut 3 pieces to fit the sides...
  10. E

    He gets aggressive

    Do you mean he is not comfortable or he is scared after he is out of his viv? Sorry I might be mis-understanding what your saying. If he freaks out after you let him run on the floor, I wouldn't give him that freedom until he is more calm with being out. If he seem scared when he is out try...
  11. E

    UVB lighting???

    Why don't you take the wrong one back and get your money for it? He should be okay with no UVB for a short amount of time and like a PP said natural sun light is best. My dragons loooooove it, their colors are awesome when I take them outside. :) I recommend the Reptisun 10.0 and the arcadia12%...
  12. E

    ub light for 3ft vivarium

    The UVB light only needs to be 1/3-1/2. They do need to be able to get out of heat and UVB exposure sometimes. :)
  13. E

    UVB light which one

    the 5.0 is not for dessert animals DO NOT get that one for your dragon. The Arcadia12% and the Reptisun10.0 are one of the most highly recommended UVB lighting out there. If you have access to the Arcadia12% I would stick with that one. Don't fix what isn't broken. ;)
  14. E

    treatingMBD in a bearded dragon

    You need to get liquid Calcium in her. You can find this at any chain petstore or checkout beardeddragon.coand order some there. Cheryl is the owner of that site and is really awesome you could email her for advice too. Order some repti-worms, and butter worms, they have higher amount of CA than...