Recent content by getgeckos

  1. getgeckos

    Our new Crested!

    Here is my newest pickup. Unfortunately he was being kept in a 8x8x12 nano cube. We immediately moved him to a proper enclosure and we are weaning him to cgd. We call him Tarzan! Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  2. getgeckos

    The water debate

    Tap water here. No issues at all.
  3. getgeckos

    Paludarium Stocking Ideas

    I would go small on the water feature and do a couple cresties in that tank. Alot of plants and branches and it could be a killer tank Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  4. getgeckos

    There should be a trade and barter section

    I agree. That would be a good addition to the classifieds section
  5. getgeckos

    Filtered Water or Tap Water

    I put tap water in a gallon jug and use it after 24 hours. No problems here.