Recent content by gmaier19

  1. gmaier19

    New Beardie

    everyone should own a beardie, including me at some point. nice looking beardie, i bet you'll enjoy the heck outa him!
  2. gmaier19

    One of my Leachies

    absolutely beautiful. i like the mixed locale leachies too, because of the increased genetic diversity as well as the awesome colors!
  3. gmaier19

    Leachie Sitting

    awesome! who was the breeder and what locales? sooo cool!
  4. gmaier19


    I just received a beautiful bold stripe from Travis and I couldn't be happier. The service: Travis was very quick and thorough in responding to my questions via email and gave me peace of mind through the entire process. Everything went as planned and I received the gecko on time. Overall, the...
  5. gmaier19

    Photo tour of my Herp Room

    wow, what an amazing collection!
  6. gmaier19

    Leos together or alone?!?!

    i would definitely keep them separate. if you have a male and female together that are both young, you run the risk of the female getting pregnant too early and not being able to pass the eggs. this can cause death. you should keep new geckos separate for a couple months anyway tho for...
  7. gmaier19


    awesome website! I just gained a bit more respect for my leos after seeing all those teeth haha.
  8. gmaier19

    Substrate poll!

    upgraded to tile abt 6 months ago or so. it wasnt as expensive as i thought it would be to fill the floor space of my 40 gal and the cutting was almost free. i think in the long run tile is the way to go cause ur not replacing paper towels all the time. over a leos life of 15 or 20 years...
  9. gmaier19

    Stuck Shed

    if you bathe your gecko in warm water and it still doesnt come off, i recommend using zoo med's repti shedding aid. I have moist hides for all of my geckos, but one of them has had continual trouble shedding the skin off of her toes. I soaked her a few times in water and then tried to peel the...
  10. gmaier19

    Desert or Forest?

    the most important part for the setup is the gecko feeling secure. The forest look usually provides many more hiding places, as you can put leafy plants that the gecko will crawl into (one of my geckos actually prefers to hide in plants rather than the caves). The desert plants like cacti dont...