Recent content by Gonzo213

  1. Gonzo213

    new pics of my leopard geckos

    Yeah!! It's addicting huh? I got my first back in Feb. and just got my second a couple weeks ago and I already want to move out of the Apt. so I can have my own room full of geckos.
  2. Gonzo213

    Dex update

    I wouldn't say it's a hypo but, one with no spots would be a super hypo. From what I have gathered to be considered a hypo it would have to have less than 10 or 15 (i've heard both) spots on its back.
  3. Gonzo213

    Shedding again to soon?

    He was hatched in December and he's not small I'd say he's a good size for his age. The cage as a whole isn't too humid but he does spend most of the time in his humid hide, in fact he only comes out when it gets to dry or to eat. Here is a picture of him after his last shed that was last week...
  4. Gonzo213

    Shedding again to soon?

    One of my leos had just just shed last week and last night I noticed that he looked like he was going into shed again. Yesterday morning he looked normal and when I got home last night he had gotten darker and this morning i noticed that he was looking white. Is that something that happens...
  5. Gonzo213

    Where to get dubia.

    I'm looking to get some dubia roaches and since none of the stores around have them, does anyone know of a good place to get some online? Thanks.
  6. Gonzo213

    does your leo...

    One of my geckos poops wherever the water bowl is.
  7. Gonzo213

    Reptile Names

    I have a Female Bell named Gonzo after Hunter S. Thompson (named before I knew the sex) I just got a SHTCTB Male and I named it Dexter, meaning Right handed man, because he had MBD as a hatchling and has a little bit more of a bend in his left arm near the foot.
  8. Gonzo213

    Bell Brother and Sisters...

    Nice! Gotta love the Bells
  9. Gonzo213

    Eye Color

    Here's a better pic i just took today
  10. Gonzo213

    Eye Color

  11. Gonzo213

    Old leo needs a new home

    Near St. Louis .
  12. Gonzo213

    My albino Gonzo

    Hey all I'm David and this is my leo Gonzo. I've had her since Feb 13. I'm not sure how old she is but she was 4.5" when I got her and now she is almost 6". I got her from a pet store so I didn't get any information on her just that she is albino. I'm new to this so I do not know to much about...