Recent content by Joli

  1. J

    meet Hugo

    I'm truly sorry for your loss. A wavy tail and a tail kink are two separate things, from the pictures it looks like a normal wavy tail. I've had geckos shipped to me that have had this, and it straightened within a few days of arrival, most likely due to the stress of traveling. It doesn't...
  2. J

    My First R. ciliatus hatchling!!

    They are adorable, fantastic photography!
  3. J

    Gargs Outside

    It figures, Thanks! :)
  4. J

    leachies and aggresion

    I would say do a broader search. I've seen some vids of cage/tub agression, but the moment they were out they were fine. This is all based on what I've seen of other people's leachies.
  5. J

    VERY young leachie just laid eggs!

    That's so interesting that such a small female would lay "duds" (fingers crossed for you hatching out a parthenogenetic leachie). Big thanks for the video, I love seeing Steve's leachies! That's a perfect name, by the way.
  6. J

    Gargs Outside

    Absolutely stunning, where is Jamba Juice from?
  7. J

    meet Hugo

    Actually, the wavy tail is common in young aurics, and some of the other rhac species like cresteds, leachies, and I believe chahoua. It should straighten out it a little while. The concern should be if it continues to stay that way as it grows. I certainly agree that you should quarantine all...
  8. J

    We all love our R. Auriculatus..

    I honestly would wait until I had the funds for the project. Because you can't always rely on timing when it comes to successfully re-homing or selling offspring. You could always look into reptile stores in your area and see if they will be interested in adding gargoyles. Otherwise I would say...
  9. J

    2010 Crested Geckos

    I have up for sale four gorgeous 2010 babies. First two are from my high end Black and Cream pairing. Parents are an AC sire and white cream dam. Second two are from the same sire, but different dam. Parent pics upon request. I am also offering up one beautiful high percentage unsexed juvie that...