Recent content by Lunar Gecko

  1. Lunar Gecko


    Have you seen a banded blotch? I'm hoping to make some 'Banded Super Blotches' In the next two years. This year if I'm lucky.
  2. Lunar Gecko


    HAHA Lee! I've told you, you need a garg!!! Maybe when your agricolae have some babies we can work out a trade. ;) Thanks Aliza. I have a lot of them, just was on an orange kick yesterday, I'll get some photos up of some of my others soon. :)
  3. Lunar Gecko


    I lurk around here a lot, so I thought I would toss up some pics I took today for fun. :) I'm trying to get some natural light shots over the next few days because the sun has been out for once. :main_thumbsup:
  4. Lunar Gecko

    2012 Breeder Gargs

    Jamba Juice is haunting me!!! ;)
  5. Lunar Gecko


    Eric... you need to call me! :)
  6. Lunar Gecko

    Hybrid didn't grow a tail:(

    Well this just adds to the idea that cresteds not regrowing tails is an evolutionary trait and that through this there bodies don't need tails once lost. Sort of like humans who don't get wisdom teeth.
  7. Lunar Gecko

    bit concerned

    there are a lot of people who change the CGD every other day I even know a few who change it every 3ed day. In the wild creasted eat rotting food. As long as you don't get mold or film in the food you should be fine with every other day.
  8. Lunar Gecko

    Cresteds drinking from water bowl

    I put water dishes in my tanks as well but I have never seen them drink from a dish. But who knows, they may just not like being seen doing something like that, they don't like eating with me watching as well, but I know they do.
  9. Lunar Gecko

    Fired up!

    IMO, Thats a brindle w/ different looking color. Nice gecko. =)
  10. Lunar Gecko

    Meet Ralph! :)

    Nice gecko... is it stuck shed? I have also seen what amounts to gecko moles. Could be some of them but the shot is a little blurry and hard to see. =)
  11. Lunar Gecko

    Sleeping together...

    AWWWW! Nice shot. :main_thumbsup:
  12. Lunar Gecko

    different species?

    They all have different temp requirements and frogs are a big no no for mixing with other sp. Pet stores tend to mix "bread and butter" reptiles like anoles house geckos and tree frogs a lot of times. I have never seen a pet shop mix a cresteds with them. I wish more pet shop workers would read...