Recent content by MischiefManaged

  1. MischiefManaged

    Kenyan Sand Boas The first is their store site, and the second is a blog about their boas. Wonderful couple and beautiful animals. I also recommend Cody at These are one of my favorite are going to love them!
  2. MischiefManaged

    Skin tag on foot

    Lol, the cat is adorable!!! :)
  3. MischiefManaged

    Skin tag on foot

    Very interesting...I imagine that would be frustrating for some breeders who may invest in a nice gecko and end up with surplus toes. :) The buck stops here for this particular gecko, but I wonder how many owners are breeding cresteds like this. I don't see it as being a big deal, but it's not...
  4. MischiefManaged

    Skin tag on foot

    P.S. I don't plan on breeding my crested gecko. He (she?) is strictly a classroom pet/mascot. ;)
  5. MischiefManaged

    Skin tag on foot

    Oh wow,,,thanks so much for the link! That must be it, although my crested's extra "toe" is a very thin, fragile-looking flap...just off (where else?) his back hind toe. I'll work on getting pics up. Since it's so common, I'm wondering if it has anything to do with temperature fluctuations...
  6. MischiefManaged

    Skin tag on foot

    My crested has a small skin tag on his hind foot. It's just off one of the toes and is very thin...looks easy to remove. I've examined it closely and it's not a stuck shed. I don't think it's a big deal by any means, but I was wondering if this will come off eventually, or if I should just...
  7. MischiefManaged

    Crested gecko breeders in Orange County?

    Believe it or not, I got a beautiful crested gecko from someone on Craig's List (Orange County). She was breeding them for fun and had a nice selection of beautiful juvies...between $30-$40 depending on pattern. You may want to try there. Otherwise, there are two major reptile shows coming up...
  8. MischiefManaged

    Are crested geckos hard to clean up after?

    Your best bet is to spot clean whenever possible. They tend to go a lot if you keep them on CGD and it can be tough to clean once it hardens up. Some suggestions to make clean-up easier: Keep your gecko in a glass or plastic (Sterilite/Rubbermaid) enclosure, as it makes wiping surfaces down...
  9. MischiefManaged

    She ate F/T

    Wow she's beautiful! I just read through your other post and am so sorry to hear that your anery female passed away. :( Your husbandry sounds like it's just fine,,,which makes it unusual that you're having so much trouble. The only time my KSB's won't eat is when they are about to shed. Once...
  10. MischiefManaged

    I thought she was going to be nice

    Lol, that's what my Limburg female does everytime I hold her....she's never satiated...just wants to eat forever. :)
  11. MischiefManaged

    Meet Stokely!

    She's beautiful! @ Kristi: My KSB was a pain about eating when I first got him too. I didn't want to feed live mainly due to the inconvenience of having to buy them all the time. I had success with this method: Place your KSB in a small deli cup (just big enough to fit her comfortably...
  12. MischiefManaged

    Rubber Boas

    I don't have pics, but my friend has one and it's pretty cute, although nowhere near as cute as KSB's and not nearly as fun either. They are a uniform brown color and they look a lot like an obese night-crawler. Fun little snake, but if you have KSB's, the rubber boas may bore you. ;)
  13. MischiefManaged

    Pictures of Trio

    Oh my gosh, they're gorgeous! :) I love Kenyans and Rosies...although my Rosy has such a strong feeding response that she will often tag my hand and try to constrict, while my little Kenyan is just an all-around mellow guy, even when food is involved, lol. I'm actually getting another Rosy...
  14. MischiefManaged

    My rosy boas (autumn theme pics)

    Oh thanks so much for sharing pics of your rosy boas! :) That is a really beautiful collection you have there. Sunny is especially beautiful!
  15. MischiefManaged

    New Female Rosy Boa

    :) Thanks so much! I'm still trying to think of a good name for friend and I were on the phone until 2 am debating I've been calling her "Lucy" so far since she's feisty and a bit of a "red head" just like Lucille Ball... :main_laugh: