Recent content by NewGeckoGirl

  1. NewGeckoGirl

    Eggs at 42 days and starting to shrivel overnight!!

    These are the parents, not the best pictute, kind of muted. He is beautiful yellow with a decent amount of carrot in his tail, she is not quite as brite as the boy but she too has a carrot tail.
  2. NewGeckoGirl

    Eggs at 42 days and starting to shrivel overnight!!

    here is baby #1and baby #2.
  3. NewGeckoGirl

    Eggs at 42 days and starting to shrivel overnight!!

    Help, what is happening, is this normal before hatching or is it dieing?
  4. NewGeckoGirl

    Fertile or not?

    29 Days ago my female laid two eggs, one appears to be fertile and one is not. She has been separated from the male since that day. Today I woke up to two more eggs. What are the chances they are fertile? Are they like tortoises where they can hold sperm for later use? If so any idea for how long?
  5. NewGeckoGirl

    New to the Gecko World

    Not soft... my phone is terrible!
  6. NewGeckoGirl

    New to the Gecko World

    I just realized my message didn't transmit with the picture. Both eggs looked good until a few days ago when one turned red and splotchy, it's not sift but is deflating. I am still inqubating both but wonder if I should separate them to keep for spreading anything?
  7. NewGeckoGirl

    Boy or girl?

    Here is my crestie, I'm trying to determine it's sex. This is the best I could do. I'm leaning towards female, can anyone help me out here?
  8. NewGeckoGirl

    New to the Gecko World

    I'm very excited, I woke up this morning to our first eggs! They are stuck to the bottom of the cup she laid them in, so I added the vermiculite and put the cup in a second cup that they cannot get into. Then I placed it back in their enclosure. Should I do anything different? I have an...
  9. NewGeckoGirl

    February 2015 Gecko Photo Contest!

    Izzy's got a cool new ride!
  10. NewGeckoGirl

    June 2014 Photo of the Month Contest!!

    Ok Here's my entry for the new contest... Izzy was doing a little reading today.
  11. NewGeckoGirl

    June 2014 Photo of the Month Contest!!

    I'm sure everyone would, start a new thread.
  12. NewGeckoGirl

    Boy or girl?

    "she" is about 6mos old. I was thinking I was seeing pores, but I could very well be wrong.
  13. NewGeckoGirl

    Boy or girl?

    I'm starting to think my little girl may be a little boy. What do you think?