Recent content by Thomastort

  1. Thomastort


    Hello, I was here about a year ago but I didn't have a gecko I was kinda just wanted to learn about geckos cause I kinda wanted one but I just like forgot about my account on here but now I'm back cause I am looking into getting a gar soon. So... Hello!
  2. Thomastort

    100 gallon terrarium question

    If you do put him in there I would leave a food dish in there but then also take him out everyday to feed him by hand.
  3. Thomastort

    How did you find

    Its Tortoise fourm
  4. Thomastort

    UVB and Pangea food questions

    Any plant light should work. I don't know of any ever endangering any animal.
  5. Thomastort

    How did you find

    I found this site just looking for info on cresties. But I am also a member of the TFO.
  6. Thomastort

    UVB and Pangea food questions

    Crested geckos don't need UVB light. And the uvb bulb you were looking into getting hurts reptiles eyes and they actually don't produce any uvb at all. They should not even be sold.
  7. Thomastort


    Hi my name is Thomas and I am planning on getting a crested gecko soon. I currently have a tortoise and a turtle and I just love reptiles! I am looking forward to learning all I can before I get my crestie. Thanks in advance for any welcomes!