Recent content by bozz87

  1. bozz87

    Need help with mourning gecko (I'm a newbie gecko owner)

    Hi, thanks for your advice! And I think you're right; as a newbie yesterday evening I tried to document myself a little bit.... And I noticed some video on youtube, showing mourning geckos making their usual chirps. And by looking at them, they almost made the same spasm as mine, so I've started...
  2. mourning_gecko.jpg


    One of the first picture I've taken of my gecko
  3. bozz87

    Need help with mourning gecko (I'm a newbie gecko owner)

    Hi everybody, I'm here to ask advice about a mourning gecko I have from a couple of months. She's 10 months old and from about 3 days, I've noticed she randomly tremble for less than a second (like a spasm of the body); it seems like a hiccup. She also emits a strange sound doing this, like a...