Recent content by courtnashe

  1. courtnashe

    Who has been bit by a venomuos snake?

    Never been scared of snakes, but will probably be a bit more cautious of snake that I do not immediately recognize.
  2. courtnashe

    Who has been bit by a venomuos snake?

    Mambas are some scary suckers, my family is from South Africa, and my mum used to work in a hospital, and she said it was a real awful thing to see someone come in with a mamba bite. They usually did not survive.
  3. courtnashe

    Should geckos with deformities be culled?

    I would only kill them if the defect prevented them from living a good life. Someone asked me a question "What happens if there are defects you cannot see, what do you do then?" If I cannot see the defect, trust me it will eventually show itself, and sad to say it will probably kill the poor...
  4. courtnashe

    Breeders that don't know morphs...

    Yea, I understand new people that get into the hobby aren't very familiar with morphs. I'm saying breeders should at least take the time to learn about morphs instead of producing hatchings and asking what every one of them is. ---------- Yeah they should get books if they are seriously...
  5. courtnashe

    Breeders that don't know morphs...

    Sometimes it can be hard to ID what morph the lizard is, like my male, I have no idea and those who have looked at the board have no idea as well.
  6. courtnashe

    Philadelphia gecko needs help!

    I would be interested. My mum works at the vet school, so obtaining the necessary ointment will be easy. I am just curious as to how much do you want for him.
  7. courtnashe

    Who has been bit by a venomuos snake?

    So who has? I have been bit by a pygmy dusky rattle snake when I was moving it off my walkway. It hurt a whole lot, so what was your experience and how did it happen?