Recent content by jfreemo75

  1. jfreemo75

    Cave gecko identification

    This is the adult pair of G. Hainanensis that I had. As you can see, the ring on the head almost touches the eye and you can clearly see the yellow rings on the body and the grayish ones on the tail. Here is a link you can check out with many different types...
  2. jfreemo75

    Sadly have to find new homes for my collection:(

    Unfortunately we've had to start selling off our gecko collection. I really don't want to see them go, but I have had to go back to work and don't have the time needed to give the geckos all the care they deserve. I will still check in here occasionally!
  3. jfreemo75


    Welcome to the group!
  4. jfreemo75

    Hiya! new girly

    Welcome to the group! Any questions, comments or concerns are welcome here! Hope this group is one you stay with. :o)
  5. jfreemo75


    Welcome to the group! Awesome setup!
  6. jfreemo75


    Welcome to the group!
  7. jfreemo75

    My Name is jud

    Welcome to the group! Looking forward to pics!
  8. jfreemo75

    New from Tx

    Welcome! Just checked out the pics on facebook. Nice looking geckos! My daughters have a pair of normals that they breed for reptile shows in our area. I myself breed crested geckos and a few others with sticky feet.
  9. jfreemo75


    Welcome! Looking forward to some pics!
  10. jfreemo75

    Suggestion Box

    Add chahoua and sarasinorum to the rhacs. I've got a Eurydactylodes Agricolae; he could go with the "Other"
  11. jfreemo75

    Announcing the Gecko Feast Photo Contest!

    Our very first hatchling, Twix, eating her favorite snack!
  12. jfreemo75

    Hey from the UK!

    Welcome! :)
  13. jfreemo75

    Hello from NY

    Welcome! This is a nice little community that's growing, with alot of awesome members!
  14. jfreemo75

    Uroplatus Sikorae Sikorae

    We are trying to breed sikorae, but it is not such an easy task. For the females to lay eggs, they need to have a diet with high levels of calcium. This is a bit tricky. We dust our crickets with calcium powder, but by the time the geckos eat them, the crickets don't have much calcium on them...
  15. jfreemo75

    The Sake Shoot (Mixed gecko photos)

    Great pictures! I actually used this idea when I got my first gecko. Not with a nice background, but the cup.:D