Recent content by Knibitz

  1. Knibitz

    5 year old rainwater female - Lansing Michigan - MBD needs rehabilitation

    After months of vet bills and heart ache, I've come to a point to where I just don't believe I can continue to provide the expert care my leo needs. I've had her for about 3 years and after moving to Michigan a year ago, she started eat less, and then nothing. None of her conditions have...
  2. Knibitz

    Breeder around Charlotte, NC (~60 mile radius)

    Looking to take in another leo as a pet this up coming August. I currently own a rainwater albino from Palmetto Gecko, and I've enjoyed owning her so I'm looking to expand my collection :) I'd like to find a Giant, but I'd really like to avoid shipping, so I'm willing to look at stock...
  3. Knibitz

    found my baby gecko dead today sad day for me

    yeah, to me it sounds very possibly that it was irreversible damage from the store you bought it from. I'd definitely get your next from a reputable breeder who knows his geckos up and down :) *hug* good luck!
  4. Knibitz

    found my baby gecko dead today sad day for me

    where did you get it from? It may have had a parasite or something that came from wherever you got it and it just finally took 3 months to take its toll. I'd say go with an adult, but if you want another baby again having just lost this one, that's good too :)
  5. Knibitz

    How many times do u take your gecko out?

    I'm sure they meant more "cuddly pet" than pet. It's an animal in their care, still a pet, just not one you play with. Kind of like fish for most people.
  6. Knibitz

    November - Columbia, SC - Repticon

    is anyone going? Has anyone gone before? This is A) my first of any kind of reptile not to mention animal con and B) where I'll be getting my first gecko. I really have no idea what to expect from this kind of convention! The list of vendors isn't up yet, so I'm crossing my fingers...