Recent content by ragnew

  1. ragnew

    Just got my first Gargoyle! And a question regarding eggs.

    Some Pics : 9/14/2010 So here's a few pictures of my first Gargoyle Gecko. Her name is Ariel, and I've gotta say that she's pretty darn cool! I traded my co-worker two Giant Centipedes for her (he was actually just wanting to her to me, but I couldn't do it) and I have to say, I think I came...
  2. ragnew

    Just got my first Gargoyle! And a question regarding eggs.

    So a coworker of mine decided to part with his Gargoyle Gecko and I'm happy to say that I'm the beasties new owner! I was actually thinking about getting another type of gecko for quite sometime now, but was pretty thrilled when this happened. Now I've got a question though. The Garg that I...
  3. ragnew

    Some pics of two of my frogs (African Bull male, and my Budgett's)

    Haha, in all honesty, they've both got their perks. The male Pyxies are just massive so that adds to their charm! While the crazy Dingbat has a face that always makes me smile, whenever I see it. I love them all, but my Budgett's frog has a special place in my heart.
  4. ragnew

    Some pics of two of my frogs (African Bull male, and my Budgett's)

    Hahaha, I'm wondering that myself! :) I've got another male Pyxie that I'll need to get some pictures of as well! What can I say? They're my buddies haha.
  5. ragnew

    Some pictures of my Scolopendra.

    I have yet to post pics of any of my Giant Centipedes on this forum. I could have swore I did, but I guess such wasn't the case. First up are the ones that are currently still in the collection... Scolopendra angulata angulata "Guyana Blue Footed Centipede" Scolopendra...
  6. ragnew

    Some pics of two of my frogs (African Bull male, and my Budgett's)

    Man, it's been quite a while since I've posted here. I thought I'd change that. This guy is one of two male African Bull's that I've had for quite sometime now. Right around two years give or take. And this guys Dingbat, he's my Budgett's frog! One of my favorite pets...
  7. ragnew

    Mammoth and Behemoth, side by side (8/30/08)

    Thanks folks! I'm glad you liked the pics! These guys are seriously some of my favorite pets ever :D
  8. ragnew

    Mammoth and Behemoth, side by side (8/30/08)

    Well, Here they are, side by side. I'm surprised that Behemoth has grown as much as he has. They're both pretty much exactly the same size now. Some of the pics were taken without the flash, others with. Mammoth's on the right, Behemoth's on the left. Both good lookin' frogs if I may...
  9. ragnew

    Mammoth, my male Pyxie (LOTS OF PICS).

    Thanks a ton Kristi! I CANNOT wait to see how big he'll get. Here's to hopin' 9" plus!
  10. ragnew

    Dingbat, my Budgett's Frog!

    Thanks guys/gals. And yep, BIG's right. These dudes eat anything that moves (or not haha). But Dinger's seems to be the exception to the rule... He only does nightcrawlers. He use to eat crickets on the rare occasion, but as the frogs grown, his will to "try" new food seems to have dropped to...
  11. ragnew

    Dingbat, my Budgett's Frog!

    Here be the Dingers. He's absolutely my favorite non dog or cat pet! I love this dude almost as much as he loves his bubbles!
  12. ragnew

    Heffer, my male Albino C. cranwelli (PICS)

    Here be Heffer! He's an awesome frog in all ways, quite the eater as well. He's pretty beefy too, right around 4 1/2" in both length and diameter. He's my buddy.
  13. ragnew

    Behemoth, my other "male" pyxie (LOTS OF PICS)

    This is Behemoth, he's a SA CB Pyxie frog, and I'm hoping he's actually a "he" as well. Lately "he's" been looking more like a she. But time will only tell. Regardless, this frog is another of my favorites... Another one of my favorites!
  14. ragnew

    Mammoth, my male Pyxie (LOTS OF PICS).

    Here be Mammoth, one of my male Pyxie frogs. He's a heckuva eater, and even more of an attitude than the Giant centipedes I use to keep! I love this frog. He's right around 5" and about 4 months of age... Hope you enjoy the pics. He's a great frog indeed.
  15. ragnew

    Cool Babies!

    Great looking Leopards Kelli! Man, I'm so outta the loop where all these new morphs and such are concerned. :o