Recent content by rainydays

  1. rainydays

    Newbie to the site

    I'll get some pics this weekend of them and post them. At least I'll try to:) They are getting better with me as far as when I put my hands in their cage they (he mostly) do not come lunging after me anymore. When I need to pick them up I wear leather gloves. I actually have only held them maybe...
  2. rainydays

    Newbie to the site

    Thanks everyone:)
  3. rainydays

    Tokay Eggs... Help

    My Tokay laid 2 eggs (I am not sure when) that I found 3 days ago. I moved them (still attached to the log) to a warmer enclosure (about 85) and now they stink terribly and one of the eggs has a crack in it with fluid leaking out (I have not touched the eggs). Does this mean they have died /...
  4. rainydays

    Newbie to the site

    Hey everyone, I just found this site and thought it might be a good place to start. I have a male & female Tokay and she just laid 2 eggs. I am pretty excited about my new hobby and want to avoid as many mistakes as possible, so I will have a ton of questions. Thanks :) -Sarah