crested morph

  1. H

    Crested identification

    Hello. I’m Cole and I’m new to this forum and relatively new to crested geckos. About 3 months ago I picked up my second crested gecko from my local pet store, but they were not sorted by any type of morph, all mixed cresties in one tank. Anyways, I picked up this guy and was wondering what...
  2. S

    new very dark crested. Morph?

    I picked this little guy up a few days ago from the local pet store. I have 2 adult females and decided it was time for a new addition. I chose him right away after seeing how dark he was. Ive never seen one like him before. Does anyone know if it is a rare find or what morph it is, looks a...
  3. touch 13

    AwH my little baby, what morph are you???

    im almost certain he has: harly, pinstripe, and a little tiger??