
  1. Yas97

    Leo hasn’t eaten or pooped in 3 days. Worried?!

    Hi I have a 3 month old gecko. First week I got him he was very quiet wouldn’t eat much. After that we began a routine where I would feed him about 7-10 meal worms every night around 9pm (uk time) he was doing amazing eating every single one, very fast very speedy and alert, I also dip them in...
  2. S

    HELP Gecko was dropped!!

    Alright so just a few hours ago my friend came over and im not really sure if she meant to but she dropped my gecko on it's head! The gecko looks to be having spasms and will only do that with short breaks of him just laying there, I'm so worried!! Anyone know what to do!?
  3. C

    Heating / Lighting crested gecko help

    Hello! So after researching and purchasing everything necessary since February, I went to a reptile expo this past weekend and am now the proud owner of a juvenile Crestie! Hes gorgeous :3 . He's a good size, and even though hes not eating the respashy I purchased, he did eat a few crickets...
  4. S

    Worried about new juvenile!

    This is my first reptile. Had him, 4 months old, for about 11 days now. The 1st 5 days I had him he was exploring and climbing on everything and the 1st 4 nights he defecated, then he suddenly stopped. After 4 nights he finally defecated, but since then it has been 3 nights again. He hasn't been...