1C and 2C hypo?


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
If your asking in regards to that link that was posted earlier for the genetic calculator, It is posted at the bottom of the page 1c=het 2=homozygous. But i dont see how it makes sense...because if you set it so only one of the leos is 2c then they are all enigmas...so i think 2c only applies if they both carry the genes, even though your applying 2c only to one of the leos. Sorry i confused you. haha

Wandering Paddle

New Member
South western virginia
1 copy and 2 copy. they arent real genetic terms so pay no mind to them. The genetic terms are heterozygous and homozygous.

As fas as a sunglow goes it depends on the line of hypomelanism and whether or not it is a dominate/ co-dominate trait or if it is polygenic (in which case it would be neither)


New Member
[1C] = 1 COPY = (HETEROZYGOUS).As in it's carrying one copy of the gene.So you get 50% of the morph in question.
[2C] = 2COPY = (HOMOZYGOUS).As in it's carrying two copys of the gene.So you get 100% of the morph in question.

[1C] and [2C] is a term used for dominant traits.In stead of useing the term (HET) and (HOMO).

Example in stead of.

Talbino normal X (HET)Hypo = .

Normal HET Talbino.
(HET)Hypo HET Talbino.

you'd say.

Talbino normal X [1C]Hypo = .

Normal HET Talbino.
[1C]Hypo HET Talbino.

People get confused when you say a [1C] dominant morph is (HET).Coz visually they are still the trait they are (HET) For.

A (HET) Hypo look just the same as a (HOMO).

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