A Crested Gecko Rescue Story.

Hey everybody, haven't posted on here in a while since my last experience was less then awesome, but i wanted to get some advice about some cresties i saved a couple weeks ago. I've done alot of rescue work...but this was by far the saddest thing ive ever seen. Here's the story.

So i came in to knowledge that a big reptile "collector" was moving and "the whole household must go". I inquired, since i've been wanting a new female for my ... mating enthusiast male. The gentleman said he had one and that she would come with the cage so and i headed over to his place.

Anyways, i get there and they direct me through the pack of...12 dogs, to the saddest basement filled from floor to ceiling with reptiles in cages. Then i saw the crested geckos. there was two of them, in a 10% humidity, 90 degree tank. ON SAND. BLUE SAND. SAND. CRESTED GECKOS. Little sticky paws dyed blue and too clogged with the crap to climb. I dont think ive ever had such a hard time not crying. of course i said id take them all, and the guys asks if i want the third. Im like what third? he points and the tank above them. the one with more sand, no water, no moisture, and red bulb heat lamp for a total temp of 112 with a ..oh...5 month old crested gecko in it. :( I lost it right there, grabbed him out, put the him in my pocket, and had my girlfriend grab the other two and ran out of that house sobbing like a baby. :'(

And the sickest part? He didnt get what he was doing anything wrong. And. he was a PETCO EMPLOYEE. He tells other people this is okay for a living. All of my what. seriously.

Anyways, i brought them all home, gave them sauna baths, [tuberware container with an inch of water and paper towels, and proper enclosures. Their feet are a little less blue, they can climb a little, the baby has eaten, but oldest, who had been there longest has not. He has also been hiding a lot, the other two are very out in the open and climbing around. And im a bit worried. Should i treat him for impaction? Should i toss them all waxworms for some weight gain or is that too much right now? Any advice and feedback is super appreciated.

Thanks everybody! <3
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New Member
palmetto FL
Good job! The last thing you want to do right now is to throw fat at them. Id start on mealies, silks and crix and then work them up to a good weight before giving them fat.


New Member
@Dimidiata They're Crested Geckos, not leos.

I would keep them on CGD for a while before you offer them any bugs, tbh. I don't feed any of my Rhacs mealies because I personally have seen Rhacs have problems with them. The CGD alone should help to put weight on them. Good luck and thank you for being a hero!!!

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