another not eating spell



he stopped eating again, he hadnt touched anything the whole weekend and nothing tonight either:( he is weird, he stops eating and just when i start to worry really bad he will eat for two days strait and not eat again after that. im really worried this time, cuz he hasnt pooed in a while either he usually poos at least once a night or every other night, but its been about three days since he did, he also hasnt moved out of his hide in his warm spot for the whole weekend....the moss will be gone a.s.a.p, im wondering if he might have ate some of that trying to get crix and its cloggin him up.....mabe??? i didnt think that happened with moss.....i thought it was just sand? anyway, im gonna try that repti carpet stuff and just use the moss for the moist hide. but first i gotta find a vet that works with reptiles.
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I also think that a vet visit would be a good idea with the problems that he is having
How old is this gecko -is this a young baby and is there any weight gain/growth?
Good luck with him and please keep us posted



New Member
New York
I guess moss could cause impaction if enough is ingested. A vet wouldnt be a bad idea. How often do you feed him?, You said he didnt eat all weekend, well when was the last time you fed him before the weekend?.


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
I had a young leo die from accidently ingesting moss in his humid hide. Since then I wrap the moss in a paper towel, this still allows humidity to build in the hide but it will keep them from accidently eating it. Surgery was the only option to get the moss out, however the gecko did not make it to surgery after trying to let it pass using laxatives.


k here is the rundown..... i called a few vets in the phone book and got a hold of one today, he basically told me (over the phone) that they do sometimes ingest moss, and the symptoms of my AFT the moss s the usual culprit. he said to not worry a whole lot, because unlike sand, moss will eventually break down enough for it to pass but it will take a week or so for it to do so. he said that when he passes it though to bring in a fecal to him and he will screen it just to be sure its not anything else. i have to give him a few warm soaks too. he said the usual case is that the moment it passes he will be acting normal that very day. im ridding the moss right now, and gonna use paper towels untill i can get the repti-carpet.


he said that moss is an excellent substrate for inside the moist hide, but not for the whole bottom of the enclosure as i did.


New Member
New York
sportbike_rob said:
he said that moss is an excellent substrate for inside the moist hide, but not for the whole bottom of the enclosure as i did.
Okay, my fault, I thought you were using it for just the humid hide:eek:


well, he finally pooed, i got home from work and it was laying right in his usual poopie spot lol....and i must say, i gave a look and i can actually see the moss in it. he is already alot more active and even better news, i think he got a crick or two. i just put them in about ten minutes ago, i put six in and i just walked in the room to see if he ate any and i only found four in his tank and he was doing a staredown on another he seems well. i gotta get a fecal on him as a precaution but this poo wont be fresh enough by tomorrow will it?

my AFT is quite big, no clue on the age but he is about six inches in length. i think it passed through him because he is an older gecko the first question the vet asked me was, what i was using as substrate, and then he asked how big he was. im assuming that because he was bigger the vet said that it should pass.....
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New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
The older and bigger the gecko is the bigger his intestines and digestive track will be. That is why some say it's ok to use sand for adult geckos. The gecko that I lost to moss impaction was only 2-3 months old.

24 hours old is the oldest that my vet will check for a fecal test. Also as soon as I find it I place it in a plastic bag and refrigerate it.


okay, i gotta wait till he poos again. he should tonight, and i will get it. and send it in tomorrow.
he seems to be doing alot better as far as eating goes. he ate about three or so mealies (pretty big) tonight, and he is getting more and more active again.

on another good note, he isnt quite as shy around me either...... i been working with him, holding him for 2 or 3 minutes every other night. he is starting to get used to me now. i was soooooo close to having him eat a mealie while he was sittin on my hand tonight i had a mealie in the tongs in one hand and he was sittin on my other. he kept lickin his lips and was thinking about going for it, but then backed off at the last moment. i hope to get him to the point where i can hand feed him (using tongs....i need my fingers for work lol) its taking time, but he is progressing....he also dont run to his hide when i walk in the room anymore which is a good sign

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