At what point...


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
Ok, well lets say for example I am using a blood hypo from Jeff. I am working that line into my own project. The project also includes another morph, not a line bred morph though. So obviously he will get credited for his line within my project, but is there an amount of time/seasons required before I can call it my own line or stop labeling it as a blood hypo --.. Or would it be solely reflected on how much I make my combo line different from his blood hypo line. I don't know if I am making sense, but I know im not the only one who has thought this. I did a search and didn't see anything, but my computer is super slow today so I didn't look too crazy hard, but found some good ones but they never addressed this aspect. Any advice or help would be appreciated, or a link if someone has already addressed this topic. Thanks All

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