Cal Stron (You can get a free sample)


Animal Lover
High Point, NC
Hey! Does anyone have any experience using the new product by Blue Igauna called Cal-Stron?


It is calcium and strontium (phosphorous free and no D3). It claims that research proves that with the strontium it increasing bone density more than others.

I got a free (full sized) sample from a Reptiles magazie ad. All you need to do is send your name and home address to the following email: [email protected] and in a few weeks your sample will arrive as well. Keep in mind this is a limited time offer.

I have only used it for 2 days so I cant really do a review yet. I did noticed that when I added it to the calcium dish that 2 of my 6 geckos dug all the contents of the calcium dish and strew it all over the cage. Im not sure it that is a good or bad sign.

But anyways I just wanted to let you guys know about this free sample that was available. :)

Have a great day. :)


A few minutes of searching on Google has made me a bit leery of this product. I couldn't find much, but I will quote a post made by a member of another forum called Dendroboard.
( the link: )

"If you read through the above link samples it should be noted that strontium in low doses can be theraputic but in higher doses it can be toxic and disrupt calcium metabolism in a variety of processes in vertebrates. In a dusting type scenario, it is much more easy to over or under supplement a mineral or vitamin unless the actual adhesion, intake and absorbtion levels are known. In addition as a nutritional supplement there can be wide variations in each batch (provided the minimal amount advertised is present there can be much more present..).
It should also be noted that herptivite contains strontium so using this product with herptivite may be problematic.


I personally would stick with what's known to work until someone more knowledgeable says otherwise.


New Member
I used to keep a SPS dominated reef tank, and strontium was one of those things that was essential at small amounts. There really is no way for a hobbyist to test for it. Maybe do one or two feeds with this once a week :main_huh:

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