cheap 3 gecko package


New Member
new york
i have 2 Tokay geckos, a Golden gecko, and a Skunk/White Stripe gecko for sale..i need to get rid of the lot so id give em all to you for $115 shipped..
if you live in NY and can arrange a pickup the 4 geckos would only be $100..
if you would like to pick up the tanks and accessories as's a list..

2 heat lamps.-.$20
4 bulbs..2 red night bulbs and 2 day light bulbs.-.$20
4 10 gallon tank mesh lids.-.$25
3 10 gallon tanks.-.$35
3 fake plants (suction cup type).-.$10
2 large cave hides.-.$15
2 small cave hides.-.$10
1 meal worm/water bowl dish.-.$5
1 regular small-medium?? water bowl.-.$5
1 large tree stump/rock/centerpiece hide w/ multiple entrances.-.$15
1 cricket feeding rock.-.$5
1 small waterfall w/o pump..(ill give you the pump for free if you want it but it doesn't work that well..its the one it came with).-.$20

please let me know if your interested.

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