Couple of Questions

Matthieu Adams

New Member
1. Is it normal for geckos to just not want to eat when there are people around? They don't seem lethargic at all and their bodies and tails are fine (although one is slightly smaller and skinner than the other which is definitely a worry despite them being juvies).

2. I have them on a mic of plantation soil and eco earth, although judging from sources I have considered changing it to reptile carpet. Should I? If not, how deep should the substrate be to allow for the heat of the heating pad to go through?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
1. sometimes they just don't eat, whether there are people around or not. If they continue to grow I wouldn't worry. Some of my hatchlings cluster around the mealworm bowl as soon as I serve them and there are others that I never see eating.

2. The substrate you have can work. When I used that substrate I just dug the hides a bit deeper into the substrate which I probably had at about 3". Reptile carpet can work, however there is the potential for geckos to get teeth or claws stuck in it and you really need to get 2 pieces so you can swap them out and wash the dirty one. My favorite substrate is ceramic tile.


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