Crickets Vs. Mealworms

Which feeder do you normally feed your geckos?

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New Member
The most leos Ive ever had at one time where 4, that was a looooong time ago, back when "high yellow" was the big deal new morph and only a few folks sold animals online. Keeping crics for 4 was not a big deal for me.
I know lots of folks just plain HATE crics!! personaly, I dont mind them, and I think the leos enjoy them more then mealies. They seem to like the sport of chassing the crics around. I would prefer the mealies, they are way easier to keep and handle. But some leos wont eat them because they dont move around enough. I would put a bunch in a glass petri dish and they would be there for days, until they where dead and dried up.
If I could figure out how to get my leo interested in mealies I would be happy.


New Member
Washington, DC
My guys actually won't eat crickets. And I'm not sad about it. :p They are messy, smelly, loud, escape, die if you look at them funny and are expensive.

Mealies alone isn't really the best diet, so I've recently gotten some dubia roaches to feed, too. Everybody (except the blind one who can't see them) loves loves loves the roaches. I don't know how breeding and keeping them will be, but so far things are going well.

Keeping mealies- nothing easier (I once thought my colony was dead but I didn't clean it out- a month later I came back and they were everywhere!). Keeping mealies such that you have a constant supply is the trick. Another reason I got the roaches was my mealworm colony was all beetles just as the shortage hit. It seems like no matter what I try the mealworms are always one ahead of me- I have shortages like this every couple years, though this is the first time I couldn't just go buy more from the petstore.


New Member
Chicago, Illinois
BEAR said:
I am soon to have a bunch of hungry little geckos on my hand and I was curious what the best route would be to go as far as food. I am potentially looking to breed whatever I decide to feed my Geckos, so here is my question...

Crickets vs. Mealworms.. which one is

a. Most safe and nutritious?
b. Most easily breed-able and reliable?
c. Smells the least?:main_laugh:
d. Most economical to feed and house.

To all the breeders out there, please take my poll and let me know what you feed your geckos!

Thanks all and I appreciate your comments!:main_thumbsup:

If you find a particular feeder the best, please get me a link to the best "How To" you know of :)

a: both
b: i find that mealies are much cleaner, eisier to breed and dont escape as easily.
C: mealworms
d: mealworms


New Member
I wont buy roaches. The thought of having them in my house freaks me out.
Like crics, a few will always escape, no matter how careful you are.
Then, you wont have to buy em anymore, they will be all over the place. :main_no:


Escaped A.I.
Tempe Az
nats, depending on what roach you keep, thats not true.

the roaches i keep cant climb or jumb, so they do not escape. plus, if they escaped they would just die. after having kept mine for quite a while, they are not a pest and im confident they will not become a pest.

now if i kept german or chinese roaches that would be a diferant story. i would just say do your research. i keep dubia, and so far they are awesome.


New Member
HepCatMoe said:
nats, depending on what roach you keep, thats not true.

the roaches i keep cant climb or jumb, so they do not escape. plus, if they escaped they would just die. after having kept mine for quite a while, they are not a pest and im confident they will not become a pest.

now if i kept german or chinese roaches that would be a diferant story. i would just say do your research. i keep dubia, and so far they are awesome.

Thanks for clearing that up. Apparently your leos like them.
How big do the dubia's get?
No, I have never researched them because I never seriously considered buying any. I basicly thought a roach is a roach, and I hate the damn things!!


New Member
I havent seen this thread active in a long time! :)

One bad thing about mealies, some leos will not eat them.
I wish that were not the case, my leos started out liking them
okay, than they just stopped eating them completely!!

I am expecting my very first order of dubias soon, and I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that they will like them and I can start a colony.

I to want to rid my basement of crix :D


Leos stop eating for a lot of reasons, it could just be the time of year. But roaches probably are the best feeder overall.


i know that ron tremper has fed mealworms exclusively to his geckos for like 30 years with out any problems, so they definitely have sufficient nutritional value. i feed mostly mealworms but i keep crickets around too, i think leos appreciate a variety. im thinking about getting some silkies or phoenix worms pretty soon and phasing out the crickets. as if it hasnt been said enough already...crickets STANKK. haha


New Member
Ontario, Canada
I use crickets as a staple, I find they have less of an "ew" factor then mealworms..and can't turn into anything but dead. Beatles gross me out majorly so that wouldn't fly. They're more expensive but I get 500/$12 so that's pretty reasonable IMO. I work at a pet supply store and get them for cost.

A few times a month, I pick up mealies, butters or waxworms as a treat. A few of my geckos don't know what the heck to do with a worm though and refuse to touch it. Took me 20 minutes to coax one of them into trying a waxie.


New Member
Spanish Fork, UT
I probably use mealworms the majority of the time. They're a great fallback when you're feeling lazy and don't want to "fight" with the feeders. I only get crickets occasionally for variety. I do keep roaches and use them often, but I'm not yet up to a level where I can be feeding them off constantly.


a. crickets easier to keep put vitamin powder on them
b. definitely crickets
c. mealworms
d. crickets are cheaper


my leo wont touch any crickets, tried different sizes but still not interested so i use mealies with the occasional waxie as a treat.


Definitely not Junior
Fort Fun, Indiana
There is just no comparison between the two. I really dont like crickets. The smell and just are not pleasant to deal with. I have been feeding them to one of my leos and my two dragons and they just are no fun.


Crickets are WAY easier to coat. They already come in a bag so I just put a punch of powder in there, shake, and BOOM, coated. Mealies I have to like find a bag or try rolling them in powder. :/

Mealies are overall easier... less disgusting... Just, better.


A Bright Reptile
I feed my leo crickets but i have to abuse them before she can catch them :/ im getting mealworms for her in a day.

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