Electric Blues


New Member
Oregon, OH
Hey everyone, I've been seriously considering buying a pair or trio of electric blue geckos, and I just wanted to hear from anyone who has kept them or is keeping them. If you have any tips, or just any unique observations about them, I'd surely appreciate the knowledge. I have all the basic setup and care down, I just thought maybe there were some interesting info out there that I could learn from or look forward to.


New Member
I have only kept a pair, so I can't say anything about keeping more than one female. I strongly recommend getting CBB of LTC animals, WC aren't as common as they used to be, but their survival rate is low because they are so poorly treated during the catching and importation process.

I keep mine in a 24" long by 18" tall by 18" deep Exo Terra (it was supposed to be for frogs, but the guy I paid to make it messed it up back and it's not usable for frogs anymore, so it's got these guys in it - normally I would have made them a tank 24" tall instead of long) with success. They are escape artists like you have no idea. I have small geckos, lots of small geckos, and these guys are so much worse than anything else I've ever had - so be extremely careful opening and closing the doors on your enclosure and escape proof it like crazy. Some people seem to be fond of sticking them in small enclosures because they are a small geckos and I personally don't feel that's right. They're little but you can't really hold them, they spend their entire lives in that enclosure - it should be nice and as large as you can make it.

They have some awesome behavior and I have been tank raising these new hatchlings and juvies I have now, and I have not seen the adults harass the young geckos at all.

They have some awesome behavior and I really enjoy mine. My favorite thing they do is their greeting behavior, which is like a kiss, like in this video, which is not mine:
The video states it's a courtship behavior, but I have observed mine doing the nose-touch-tongue-touch thing almost every time they encounter one another in the enclosure. I see them do it in passing and 80% of the time it does not result in breeding activity, so the kissy tongue thing seems like a greeting to me. The head bobbing is likely more of a courtship and a dominance behavior, I have seen my tiny babies head bob at one another (it's hilarious).


Well-Known Member
Im sorry that im late to comment, Wow that won my heart. Im tempted to get those now but I doubt my parents would let me get any thing else. Im stocked up on pets, 2 Hedgehogs,A Dog, A Cat, A Rat, A Bird, 6 Leopard Geckos, And Argh i feel like im forgeting some thing. Though its great to hear that these lizards don't fight or aren't as aggressive, They are just amazing. Thank you styx for sharing that :)


New Member
Oregon, OH
Hey thanks for the info! I'm definitely going to get some in the future, now it's just a matter of saving up for the setup and then finally the animals themselves.


New Member
Glad you guys like them. Even though they aren't a pet you can hold, I find them really rewarding to keep.

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