Feeding Video



Hi There!!
My first post...I thought I would introduce myself...I got my first AFT about 3 weeks ago at the San Diego, CA reptile show...A young male, brown and tan in color...Check out the videos of him feeding....

Here another with his tail wagging prior to striking...

I am having so much fun with him (named Fat Albert)...That I plan on picking up a female next week...I have no plans on breeding them for at least a year...I just enjoy the personality of these little guys...I was originally looking to get into Chameleons but after doing some research it seemed a little too much...Not to mention I wanted a pet that I could handle...My wife and I then came upon Greg at Geckotopia and he really explained what it take s to take care of a gecko...We then asked him which type of gecko...He recommended the AFT's...And he was spot on!!! My wife and I are really having fun...At present I have gathered a lot of info from other forums and really try to arm myself with a lot of info so I can have a healthy pet..Well anyways...I hope you enjoy the video...Dickson

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