First time!


New Member
My son is 13 and we about to buy him his first Leopard Gecko.
Please can anyone help as in their living conditions… heated mats or lamps best!? And anything else you think will be useful. As being told different things from different sellers and didn’t know if just selling us more than we need!!
Thanks so much for any help.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Here are the stripped down basics: at least a 20 gallon long (30"x12") cage; water bowl, hide on the warm side, humid hide (google to find out how to make one --it's easy), optional hide on the cool side; use an under tank heat mat (I actually prefer the ZooMed heat cable which can be taped on because then it can be moved to another cage if necessary) with a thermostat set to 90F; get Repashy Calcium Plus which contains the necessary Calcium, Vitamin D3 and other vitamins and minerals and dust the food every week; no lights needed as long as there's light in the room during the day; feed mealworms, crickets, superstorms, dubia roaches or other bugs; don't feed waxworms (very fatty). Best things for the bottom of the cage: reptile-carpet, paper towel, and my favorite - ceramic tile; don't use calcium sand and don't put a juvenile on sand. Play sand is OK for an adult, but doesn't resemble their native habitat and isn't ideal.
Now google and read some care sheets and go with the ones that include most of the information above.


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