Greetings from Montana - Where Gecko's Dwell




It started out innocently enough; a friend was moving up north and asked me if I wanted her Gecko, Brodie. Falling instantly in love I read and re-read the book that came with Brodie. A thin little thing but I have followed what they say and now I think this little man is constipated. He went for 4 days with nothing and then had a movement last night. I bowed before the "poop" guys but still feel he is bound up. After searching the net a while back - found your site and spent last night reading and following links. I know so little. THen today a friend brought me three more geckos and now I have four. Please can you refer me to sites to explain about "mineral oil" and soaks; how hot - how often? So here I am. Glad to be here!



Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Welcome! We're glad you're here. This is where you can find the best Leopard gecko information around!

I would start by using the search function up top and typing "impaction" or whatever other key words might help. You can also try browsing through the Health and Medications sub-forum as well as General Care and Husbandry. Personally, I would recommend just doing warm water soaks first (water at 90F) and see if that helps. Definitely look through the Housing section and make sure that his tank is set up properly and doesn't have anything in it that could be ingested (other than live food) and that the temps are correct to keep digestion regular.


Thanks for the info

Thanks - I had no idea as to what temp the water should be. These little guys are so sweet and smart gods forbid anything woud happen to them due to my care.

I'll do the search

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