Hello - I have a Leo


New Member

I am new to leopard gecko ownership. I have had my leo, Sasha, for four days. She is just starting to come out and explore, which is very fun. Sasha is a adult female. I am pretty certain she is a normal morph. I was looking for a healthy, handle-able adult as my vivarium is quite large. A local shop takes on fish and reptiles that need new homes. Sasha was an adult lizard that came in that way. She had been quarantined and deemed healthy. A healthy adult seemed like a good starting point for someone new to leos. She is already a pro at tong feeding, which is quite fun. Although, I am not the best at holding the little buggers in the tongs. She was very chill about being handled, so I think I found a good match to what I was looking for.

I spent soooo much time learning and almost two weeks dialing in the vivarium, It is very fun to see her starting to explore and enjoy the setup when she thinks we aren't looking. She is eating great. Even popping her head out when I walk by to see if I have a bug for offer. I am a little nervous about the first shed, but I am hoping she knows what she is doing.

From what I have seen, this forum seems like a great place for information and questions. I have been giving her her space, so I don't have great pictures yet. I have also been looking at all the adorable gecko stuff on etsy. Is it too soon to make leopard gecko ownership my only personality trait? Maybe skip the etsy shopping spree and go straight for a leo tattoo. Too much? Not enough?



Staff member
Somerville, MA
Congrats on your new gecko. I'm glad she's already eating and giving you pleasure. I have no opinion on how far you should go with your leo fascination, but remember that tattoos are forever (and if they're not forever, it sounds kind of painful and annoying to get rid of them).


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